Drop Magazine
Digital Interactive Zine
DROP is a digital zine dedicated to exploring the immersive world of electronic dance music. The four-page zine features eight interactive states that give deep dive into Excision’s ground breaking 2014 Executioner tour. Design and writing by me. Photos by Drew Ressler AKA Rukes.
“Canadian bass master Excision returns fully loaded with the launch of the massive “Executioner Tour”. The North American trek introduces a new submersion in bass music and an intense audiovisual experience that takes live electronic music performance to a new level.
The main attraction of the tour is “The Executioner,” a behemoth production setup and true techological breakthough. “The Executioner” is a video-mapping masterwork that displays an impressive 420 square feet of word-class, true-3D, video-mapped animations guarenteed to melt faces. What’s more, Excision’s set boasts over 150,000 watts of sound, the largest amount of bass played in an enclosed venue.
Look in as Excision’s teams at Heavy Industries and Beam Productions explain just what this baby can do.”